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Farewell Open House for Jan Durham!

Ohhh, how bittersweet it is to invite our customers to a farewell open house for our beloved Jan Durham.  Jan is moving to Colorado soon and we need to send her off with a celebration.

Jan was one of the first employees I hired at The Fabric Chic almost 5 years ago.  She is such an integral part of TFC team and will be missed by all of us and all our customers.  She has taught many of you how to quilt, how to bind, how to make bags, how to sew in zippers, how to make crazy Christmas trees, project bags and on sew much more!

Most importantly, Jan is one of the kindest, most giving people I’ve ever met.  I have learned so much from her and I’m fortunate to have her as part of the team and a friend. 

We are having a farewell open house for her on Nov. 11 from 1:00-5:00 pm.  Please drop by and say goodbye to her.  We will have food, snacks, and a message book for you to sign.  And maybe a few more surprises! 

For those that want to participate, we thought it would be fun for customers to make her a quilted postcard.  There a several tutorials on Youtube that you can watch to see how they are made. They are quick and easy to make and such a wonderful way to give her a personal message.   You can drop off the postcard at the shop during the open house.  Or, if you cannot attend the open house, you can drop off the postcard at the shop up until Dec. 3. 

Thank you very much and hope to see you at the open house.

Kindest regards, 

Cindy and The Fabric Chic Team

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