Hello!! Welcome to Wheelhouse Medallion Club running from June 2020 - October 2020. Before we begin in June we would like to get you ready! This is such a beautiful quilt!

First, go on Facebook and join the Free Spirit Anna Marie Wheelhouse Medallion Club. Anna Marie will be posting videos, the 1st of each month, with the block instructions and tips. https://www.facebook.com/groups/WheelhouseMedallionClub
Since Anna Maria herself will be doing the Group and live instruction we are not going to be doing a separate group. We will communicate via email. Everything will be on the Anna Maria Facebook group & the Free Spirit Website, if you are not on Facebook. There is already an introduction video up & a quilt tour with Anna Maria! Each month's video will be posted on the 1st. Prior to June 1st there will be a few more videos for some instructions, so keep your eye out for those!
We also have, from Free Spirit, a suggested shopping guide of items to have to assist in creating your quilt. We have many of these items in the shop! Some you will already have at home as well! Suggested Shopping Guide
Month One pattern below: https://media.rainpos.com/7718/1wheelhousemedallionclub_week1.pdf
You can pick up your fabric starting the 25th of the month, for the next months block., at the shop or if you are shipping it will go out he 25th. Reminder we are closed on Monday's.
If you have questions please email at info@thefabricchic.com.
Best Regards, The Fabric Chic Team